Embodied topography
A geological fracture is a long, narrow crevice in the earth’s crust, caused by internal forces extending along the length of a deep fault line. A form of scar that rises to the surface in a constant but concealed motion, making it difficult to perceive through human senses. The ground splits, but the coordinates of the wound stay unknown, the sensors do not send clear distress signals. Nonetheless, the hypersensitive body – in parts individual in parts collective – shifts along the scar, reading the braille of the fracture, becoming its schizo-somatic embodiment.
The four bodies in Mold:fracture converge in an intensified sensory world and respond to it. They solidify and merge with it, gathering and fracturing alike the vulnerable substance of lives at these times. Their layered consciousness, namely, the one encompassing both the rawness of the body and the soul that melts like magma through its cracks, intertwines them pushing them together towards a shared multi-human horizon.
The performance includes nudity and flashing lights.
The upcoming show will be performed as part of the Diver Festival. To the festival website
Ticket package: the dive – three different tickets for three different shows for only NIS 150.