Ana Wild

artist site

Ana Wild (*1987, Lives in Tel-Aviv and Geneva) is a performance and installation artist. Graduate of The School of Visual Theatre, Jerusalem (2011) and DasArts MA program, Amsterdam (2015). Wild is interested in voices, in speaking, in knowledge-structures, in anthropology, history, mythology, poetry, graphic design, electricity, in creation ex-nihilo, in miracles, in tricks, in musicality, understanding, duration, repetition, cyclicality, in Hebrew, in English, in French, in Arabic, in translation, in print, in magic, in adventure, in friendship, in agency and in power. In 2018 she was a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, and in 2022 a resident at Artport, Tel Aviv. Wild teaches at the School of Visual Theatre and at the New Music department in Musrara.

  • Worlds / A Futuristic Canaan Song Cycle

    hazira, 2019

  • Ana Wild and the techno Fertility Choir Singing Songs of Possible Futures


  • Need Proof? Poof!


  • Dance Dance Find Solution


  • Aleph


  • La Traviata and the beginning of the end
