
Kairos combine fashion, Opera, dance, experimental music and multimedia. inspired by the book ‘Zeros and Ones’ (1997) by the theorist Sadie Plant, the project brings together artists from varied artistic sources: Opera, Performance Art, and the fashion house Baudicca. these artistic worlds create together choreographic sequences and electronic and experimental compositions. in the last few […]


The audiovisual show from the ephemeral production house Excessive Productions, which has unraveled eye tissue throughout Europe, imposed post-epileptic terror on the space of Zik. WACKELKONTAKT deconstruct their selfhood – and together with artist of illusions and characters Dana Tkach, transported the audience into a delightful, triggering, disturbing, and exhilarating sensory experience, introducing questions concerning the link between […]

Autumn Cult 2017

The first Autumn Cult Festival, took place in October 2017, simultaneously and in collaboration with the School of Visual Theatre’s International Performance Conference. Together, the two events marked the beginning of both the season and the academic year. New productions by young artists were presented during the Cult, alongside productions by veteran artists and international […]