The Excessive production crew, also known as WACKELKONTAKT, invite friends and collaborators to be born together from a bottleneck of materials that have been cooking in the last four years and finally come out in a double identity, as an album and a movie.
Premiere screening of Wackelkontakt’s new film – Change The Process (35 min)
Wackelkontakt – album launch concert
Low Beherion
Four years after their debut album, WACKELKONTAKT are coming to HaZira to launch their second record, CHANGE THE PROCESS, co-released by Orthodox Records (France) and Jaune Orange (Belgium).
The album does not conform to a single theme or style: it is a schizophrenic crossroads of influences, where each pathway gives birth to an encounter with an ever-weirder facet of human consciousness. The album’s musical universe is set in the enchanted forest of ancient fantasies and proto-narratives: a liminal space of transformation, harboring both unknown dangers and a refuge from the world.
In “Change the Process” WACKELKONTAKT steer the heavy, noise-influenced sound of their debut album into a more melodic terrain. The new mutation melts together drone, industrial, and metal aesthetics with bleak soundscapes and soulful laments. Blasting percussion, a hybrid of acoustic drums and sample-based beats, intensive vocals, and electronic processing of audio form the core musical storytelling, on the emotional spectrum between moving and downright terrifying.
The album’s lyrics are a mash of biblical verse and taunting self-irony, uttered in an array of vocal deliveries: terse whispers, spitting rap, and venomous screeches alongside hopeful melodies and cantorial Arabesque. A new addition to WACKELKONTAKT’s sonic arsenal are the string trio, woven throughout the story as a cinematic motif, an echo of the emotional states the songs attempt to tackle.
In ever-evolving ways to communicate with their audience, WACKELKONTAKT release their album alongside a 35-minute short film. CHANGE THE PROCESS: THE MOVIE is an audiovisual poem filmed in four countries: the snows of the Black Forest, the evergreen groves of Eastern Belgium, the Andalucian desert and the burnt forest of Jerusalem. The film is based on the true events of the spiritual journey undergone by one of the participants in Change the Process – Change the Outcome workshop, which opened Autumn Cult 2021. It features WACKELKONTAKT’s signature visual-sonic storytelling, smashing together visceral docu-fiction, psycho-drama, mytho-poetics, and religious symbolism.
The invisible hand of all that is unresolved in the underground art of Jerusalem, aka Lars, enters the Autumn Cult to provide yet another piece of priceless legacy between metabolism, narcissism, and capitalism. This time Lars will break the space-time continuum with a lecture on how to live with narcissistic disorder and organize its side effects: a journey from eating disorders to self medication, or, in the artist’s own words, “the space where these vowels can only be prayed in”
Low Beherion (‘Not Pregnant’) is the promising duo of musicians, producers, collectors and thinkers Itamar Shlomo Cohen and Ron Sheskin. Their music, they testify, “aspires to bring to the fore the intensity and weirder parts of the meeting point between metal, dub, and club culture.” A process of intuitive creation and a non-apologetic and non-compromising use of samples of existing music, merges into an uneven sequence of experimental hip-hop, drum & bass, and black metal.
Low Beherion are occupied with burning questions about the masculine essence and the implementation of the ‘new man’ image in Western society; their performance is an attempt to translate their insights into a transformative experience on the dark dance floors of reality.