Lilla Roma Weisselberg’s Wilderness is a dance-performance set in a vast and fraught landscape view.A stage set up on a world, on a mountain top, inside a cave, at the bottom of the sea, between heaven and earth. A gust of wind blows through the show, breathing life into the expansive and desolate landscape. The void […]
Embodied topography A geological fracture is a long, narrow crevice in the earth’s crust, caused by internal forces extending along the length of a deep fault line. A form of scar that rises to the surface in a constant but concealed motion, making it difficult to perceive through human senses. The ground splits, but the […]
The festival took place from 14-16/7/2015 at Beit Mazia in Jerusalem. The “Dance Arena” festival was established in response to the need for an experimental platform for dance. It functioned as a springboard and a significant milestone for many of the country’s best artists. Sahar Azimi, the project’s artistic director, chose to focus on the […]
Dance Arena 2016 began with the intention of finding creative voices in the world of dance wishing to address the contemporary political and social situation. An interesting phenomenon emerged as early as the application stage: All the artists, from the moment they began to explore their chosen topic, drew it further and further towards the […]
In 2017, “Dance Arena” took place in collaboration with one of Jerusalem’s most beautiful and inspiring venues – Hansen House. Eight new dance debuts brought a variety of original languages to the stage, performed outside on three warm August nights, under a waxing moon. Alongside intriguing first works, veteran artists who wanted to refresh their creativity […]
O.S.L.O is a corporeal show that meets a spectator’s body, a reading event that meets the eye, an auditory show that meets the ear, and a history show that meets the human. O.S.L.O is a historical dance work in snow and storm. It is chronicles, movements, and noises that address the Israeli-Palestinian political narrative and […]
Reliquiae is a general term for body parts or personal items left behind by saints. In certain religions, these relics, believed to have supernatural powers, are carefully preserved and often displayed. The exhibition comprises a set of objects moving on a plastic-physical-spiritual axis, which were developed through personal research into physical-plastic representations of the sublime. […]