In a series of fascinating encounters between Shokolit (Israeli Nesquick) and vampire’s teeth, between the Greinder and The Little Mermaid, the TSENA-group reformulates a nightmarish and soft childhood that, apparently, has gone nowhere.
“The sleepover came into being in December 2015 in Jerusalem at the height of the Intifada of knife-attacks. We were too worried, confused, and sweaty for the season. It was just like in the olden days when we were growing boys and frustrated girls, when we stared anxiously at a dry piece of pita bread with Hashahar chocolate spread and waited for Aviv Alfasi to invite us to dance. We decided to shut ourselves in a rehearsal room and reached the obvious conclusion: The 1990s require therapy. Some have never stopped laughing; some say this is a therapy of sorts, some said we need a dermatologist, and some never understood if we were playing or we are for real. For real!”